Why are we different?

Augias invents the new generation
Personal Services

SAP professionals have never been heard so well.

Service à la personne

In France, the Personal Services sector is experiencing continuous growth, which can be explained by two major phenomena. On the one hand, a whole part of the population in a situation of dependency or handicap and, on the other, workers who are always busier in a hectic life. This induces different needs for home services:

• Provide daily support to seniors, frail people or people with disabilities,

• Simplify your life by having homework done when you can’t do it yourself,

• Better reconcile personal and professional life and discharge the tasks of daily life.

This is why the Augias group was created. Thanks to our unique concept, we wish to meet the needs of professionals in the personal services sector and individuals who expect quality services.

AUGIAS, a unique social-tech in the Personal Services market.

Our group, headquartered in Paris, is made up of two main structures in France.

It includes two operating companies.

The first, Augias Hauts-de-France ‘s mission is to ensure the commercial development of our support activity for players in the personal services market in the Hauts-de-France region.

The second,  Augias France Solutions ‘s mission is to support entrepreneurs in the personal services sector in order to enable them to gain in efficiency by benefiting from the synergy of the Augias network.

With the support of the Augias team, the companies in the field of SAP benefit, for their activity, from means allowing them to improve their operational efficiency , to reduce their structural cost while improving their commercial impact .

This is how Augias France Solutions offers services to self-employed candidates in the field of SAP:

  • Support from the Augias team in the creation of its own business,
  • Support for the management of your own business,
  • Connection to the Augias network.

Augias France Solutions is also at the service of companies in the SAP sector to provide them with all the means enabling them in particular:

  • Improve their operational costs by taking charge of their front and back office,
  • Improve their commercial visibility but also by offering stakeholders standardized training courses, a purchasing center, assistance with administrative tasks and the search for funding.

Finally, Augias is also present in Italy where it aims to offer the same services and solutions adapted to the Italian market.

Our ambition

We are convinced that in the years to come, a profound transformation is underway in the personal services sector where, moreover, the demand will always increase.

Like water, electricity, gas or even the telephone / internet, personal services will in the short term become an essential utility . We will no longer consume personal services like today. The customer will wish to easily contract out personal services such as the purchase and consumption of vital utilities in the same way as water, electricity or the Internet with commercial formulas that correspond to everyone’s lifestyles.

At the same time, these new generation personal services must meet a need societal in terms of support and well-being and must make it possible to forge genuine and lasting intergenerational links. The quality of service is essential with a close relationship that must be established between the speaker and the customer.

The personal services sector, like so many others, is tending to digitalize more and more and a change is underway with players entering this market with sales methods inspired by the UBER model.

In addition, the personal services sector is seeing a significant increase in the number of people who are self- employed , without any prior structuring or support allowing them to sustain their activity over time.

Based on these observations, AUGIAS aims to reconcile 3 main objectives which are:

  • New generation personal services responding to a real need in a world where digital has become essential,

  • Support for entrepreneurship in personal services where each stakeholder must be able to offer a high quality of service and that this, in return, be recognized and remunerated at its fair value ,

  • Standardized quality personal services adapted to today’s lifestyles.

Our values

Our values can be summed up in one word: ALTRUISM.

Altruism, both towards clients but also towards service providers and employees . It is around this strong value that we are building our project. Take care of yourself , your loved ones but also those who work for you .

We carry a social responsibility, in an “economy of life” in full transformation.

Finally, we are working to ensure that all actions undertaken are part of a long-term perspective for all stakeholders. This sustainability represents for us the assurance of a healthy and sincere relationship.
This is why we are attached to total transparency on the prices , indicated in the fixed price and not by the hour. The customer pays for the result, not for the time spent.

A social and cultural reference

Our ethics, which is our identity, in favor of the community at large is based on strong values, a active presence on social networks to always be more close to you, SAP professionals, on a daily basis and a sharing of best practices in the field of personal services.

Our European presence offers us a 360 ° vision of the best in the fields of personal services and guarantees us strong expertise in each of the sectors.

Finally, the training course we offer for service providers enables professionals to be ever more efficient and effective . Recognition of their professionalism by a colored belt system will allow the client on the one hand to identify the level of professionalism and on the other hand, for the worker the guarantee of better remuneration.

A unique, innovative and ethical model in personal services

turnover service à la personne

Augias is not a new entity, association or Human Services company. We are the partner and facilitator for professionals in the Personal Services sector and therefore for clients wishing to receive labeled personal services.

The Augias model is unique because it proposes to create a synergy with a network of SAP professionals who until then found themselves alone in the face of their operational difficulties.

The Augias model is disruptive in the sense that it creates a new business opportunity for professionals in the SAP sector with a totally innovative digital approach that projects Human Services into a new dimension.

Augias is betting that ethics and altruism are at the heart of the concerns of stakeholders, personal service providers but also customers. These values are inseparable from individual development and therefore the guarantee of the success of our model.

Help structure and strengthen the SAP sector for the benefit of professionals and individuals

Far from being a mere fad, home services meet a real need for social ties and must be carried out with the concern not only of the quality of the service provided, but also of respect for the people who provide the services to the person. It is this dimension of ethics and altruism obviously taking into account the conditions and the workload, a decent remuneration for the speakers, but also for the customers the possibility of choosing his speaker, the desired service with for example full price transparency and remote management of interventions.

We are committed to providing a viable long-term solution in order to provide all stakeholders with a formalized and clear framework offering them all the guarantees necessary for their professional development .

It is clear that many of them still work in the shadows and are not remunerated with dignity. This is why we offer a solution to support the creation of a business in personal services to offer them a more secure future, in all serenity.

A solution for all professionals

All actors and stakeholders in personal services, employees or self-employed, dedicate their day to helping others and deserve to be supported and accompanied in their work .

This is why we want to offer them full support , whatever their expectations and needs. At the operational, administrative, financial or commercial level, home service companies or active micro-entrepreneurs will no longer feel alone or helpless in the face of their daily difficulties related to the management of their structure and their services.

We know that customer satisfaction is a constant priority for SAP professionals. And that’s where we come in. Our service offering for personal service companies allows us to offer their clients high quality services at the best price .

Supporting them also means helping them to strengthen and develop their skills , with specific training programs. We also provide them with a decent level of remuneration and genuine professional recognition thanks to our label. In addition, self-employed or micro-entrepreneurs benefit from a real autonomy and flexibility in the management of their schedule and financing solutions for starting the activity, a purchasing center that has negotiated contracts for the supply of equipment for purchase or rental, professional insurance or accounting contracts.

Also, being part of the Augias community will allow them to discuss best practices with their peers and, thus, to benefit from a continuous improvement tool and therefore to strive more easily towards operational excellence .

A solution for customers

For individuals, Augias is above all a digital networking platform , easy to use and accompanied by dedicated customer service. Trusting Augias therefore allows them to enjoy real freedom of choice thanks to our platform as to the stakeholders they wish to use. And all this for a wide range of personal services with prices known in advance and easy programming of interventions according to the chosen formulas.

They also benefit from a quality guarantee for all personal services offered by trained and qualified professionals using methods that we set up with professionals in the sector. These processes make it possible to guarantee a service of equivalent quality, regardless of the service provider available.

Finally, they can benefit from tax advantages thanks to the tax credit and have the assurance that the speakers are correctly remunerated and covered by professional insurance.

Institutional partnerships

Driven by our values, we also have the ambition to concretize partnerships with the prospect of developing a growing economic model in a sector which is no less so.

Thus, we provide our institutional partners with a “Social-tech” at the service of their business project in the field of wellfare , quality of life at work, and all actions contributing to a work-life balance and in general, within the framework of a social and solidarity economy.

Thus, banking or insurance institutions, third-party marketplaces, hospital or medical institutions, retirement homes, social assistance platforms for companies , can form commercial partnerships with the Augias group in areas oriented towards the promotion of personal services.

Accessibility to Augias resources to develop their own structure and operational processes for companies in the personal services sector aiming for operational excellence is guaranteed . Finally, joining forces with Augias offers partner companies the opportunity to claim that they integrate an ESG dimension (environmental and social governance) required to be recognized as responsible economic players.

Recognition and dignified income for professionals

Taking care of others is a job that requires passion , involvement and dedication . We can no longer accept that these professions are no longer recognized at their fair value or at their fair remuneration. We guarantee the self-employed entrepreneurs who join us a decent income and a recognized qualification thanks to a vocational training course and a profitable and sustainable economic model.