Personal services: “The greatest source of known jobs”?

Personal services have experienced significant growth for several years. Personal and professional assistance services interest you, and you would like to know the main information and news relating to these services. The Augias team has compiled all the essential information you need, whether you are a Personal Services Professional (SAP) or an individual looking for a provider.

What is “Human Services” or SAP?

Home services are made up of around 26 different personal service professions. These home help services aim to make life easier for people with disabilities, the elderly or frail, but also couples. Carried out at home, personal services extend from household chores (housekeeping, cleaning and ironing), to tutoring through small DIY, and which are carried out as part of assisted living daily, for housework, carrying out odd jobs, helping the family, through childcare, private lessons or even helping dependent people. This booming sector employs more than a million and a half full-time equivalent people in France.

We cannot time, measure or monetize the time and attention that we give to the other. This is why personal service today represents an essential booming sector.

Nowadays, with the rhythm of professional life, and even personal life, we often call on home service providers to take care of certain daily activities and tasks and in particular:

  • Child care at home,
  • Housework,
  • Assistance with races or accompaniment to races,
  • DIY or garden work,
  • Meal preparation, meal delivery,
  • Take care of your elderly parents,
  • Support your disabled spouse.

Personal services, a source of jobs and growth

Personal services represent the greatest source of jobs known! And this, for three major reasons :

Lifestyles have changed.

Nowadays, more and more women are working and there is an increase in single-parent families who need help to reconcile professional and personal life , in particular to take care of their children or their home during their time. of work . Service companies, often self-employed, are there to take care of the house, garden, cleaning, or laundry maintenance. In addition, like better-off households, there are many who wish to prioritize leisure and time sharing with the family over domestic chores. Thus, also thanks to the system of tax credits which makes it possible to reduce the cost of this type of service , individuals increasingly use personal assistance services. These are therefore constantly increasing whether we are talking about cleaning, ironing, gardening or DIY work but also, of course, childcare, homework help or tutoring.

The extension of life expectancy.

The aging of the population is a reality and today our elders no longer age in the family circle with their children who are sometimes several tens of kilometers away. Thus, to accompany them at home as to welcome them in a suitable establishment, it is essential to be able to count on qualified, serious and very well-trained professionals.

But assistance to seniors does not stop there, digital assistance, gardening, DIY, seniors need help on a daily basis.

The personal service sector is hiring!

The number of job offers in the French personal services industry has exploded. It represents nearly 1.2% of France’s GDP. According to DARES data, it could double by 2022.

Today, 1.5 million people work in the personal services sector and meet the needs of 4 million families. In the coming years, 2.8 million households will use these services (TNS Sofres), and 1 million jobs will be created by 2022.

With the increase in life expectancy, and the change in our lifestyles, this new form of economy that can be described as social and solidarity was born and quickly took off!

What is the Silver Economy?

As the word “silver” indicates in English, it is about the economy linked to the needs and desires of people with “gray hair”. An economy intended for seniors, which allows them to both enjoy their retirement by devoting time to their leisure activities, to age comfortably, as well as to benefit from personalized services dedicated to them.

The silver economy ultimately brings together all the consumer spending of seniors. Whether in the field of leisure, health or home services. Nowadays, this market represents a potential turnover estimated at several hundred billion euros in France , but it is a global phenomenon which increasingly affects all countries of the world.

Social and solidarity economy

The field of personal services has suffered from a negative image linked in particular to the working conditions of employees and professionals in this sector of activity. Today, the social impact of companies is at the heart of concerns, just like the environment. It is therefore essential to breathe new life into this sector by allowing professionals to benefit from decent working conditions and remuneration, and above all, legitimate professional recognition . The purpose of the social and solidarity economy is to provide access to essential goods and services for all, while reducing inequalities and poverty in our society.

It represents 10% of employment in France, including cooperatives and ultra innovative structures, micro-entrepreneurs, small and medium-sized or large companies, and even large groups.

The activity benefits all rather than a few, and with this equitable distribution of resources and benefits, you can both earn a living and be competitive while contributing to a more ethical society.

In France, a significant tax benefit for households

It is true that state aid, through a tax reduction, has encouraged its development. The main objective of this tax credit is to limit the development of an underground activity where workers have no rights, no protection and are often not remunerated in a dignified and legitimate way for their work.

Born with the upheaval of our lifestyles, when everyone wants to have the most fulfilling life possible. The service to the person, today reconciles a short circuit economy, a life in society which makes sense as well as the needs of the people, all this in a world which is constantly evolving. However, this expanding sector represents countless job opportunities . The Augias team wishes you good luck and can support you on your professional journey in the Personal Service sector. Create a business or a home help company, prospecting, continuity of service by putting in touch with qualified personnel via our network or looking for home help and quality services? We are by your side whatever your need.

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